Monday, July 13, 2009

The way i survive

"God", most respecting "creater" for the world.
* G-Generator *
* O-Operator *
* D-Destroyer *
I was born to this world, as a small raindrop, i never die, i never stop, i never miss. Along my journal, i grow, bigger, heavier, and denser. From the cerulean blue color, my habitat changed, to silver color. Millions of eyes staring at me, happiness, disappointed, unemotional, laziness, flowing of tears in the blood vessel.. All kinds of emotion shown to me. But i never stop, i am growing, one day, the habitat deformed, i no more remain balanced. I scared, this is my first time i left my home, the only one.

"Dude, why u look so nervous? Just remain calm, we are here."A bigger "person" said to me. He has a weird look, i am transparent, but he was in brownish color. "Dun look at me like that, I am just a bit fat because i bring along chloride...hehe..burden higher..."

We smiled, drop down, the speeding speed force me to let my hands go off my pals. I am alone, panic, disgraced to my naked body. Pass through thousands of others same habitat which still in cerulean color, I reached a place, a weird object shape like a big bird, with a straight "eyes" and hard "wings". I pass through it, his amazing speed, push towards me, i was no influenced, just felt a bit warm and polluted. I saw down, a red, brown with some green dots, on a big land. Was it? What is this? Food? New habitat? I wan to stop, but i cant, i keep dropping down, I saw a big balls, some sounds came out from there, thousands of small creature standing under the balloons, horray for the arrival. My family, and me, billions, limitless of us, keep dropping down, the farmer, took out his cloth, keep kissing us, waiting for century for the arrival of us. The people, with tie, with formal, with a headache emotion, pressing their head, running around, buying umbrella, scolding at us, run into a shelter, dunwan to let us have a nice touch with them. The people at the war place, cried, drag out their own family dead bodied. Hope that our cleanliness can help him clean out the blood, the bacteria. Then they can use the dead body to feed themselves. The tree God, happy to see us, welcoming us, however, we saw the tree God, we cried. Because of us, he is falling and dying. The greenish leaves become yellow, dried out, all because of our "fattiness"--chloride. But still, we are friends, always.

My bone cracked suddenly. I saw my hands, legs, eyes, brains, all fall apart. People walking around, step on my organs, I didnt felt any pain, my pain nerve ad broken. I can only felt heat and cold. After one or 2 days, when i was sleeping, my father-"Sun", come to save us, all of our family. We evaporate, we raise, we fly, we laugh. I never died, I never miss, and i will see this cruel world, until his end....the end of the day.....

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